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A Great List of Digital Portfolios Best Practices [Infographic]

via eLearning Infographics

Students work hard to create awesome projects in school that they're very proud of. They are personal milestones of growth, and testaments to our kids’ creative genius. Digital portfolios are a convenient way to showcase the best of any student's work to share with potential employers. Having a set of digital portfolios best practices ensures everything is smartly organized and richly presented. This way they can bring their best projects with them to a job or college interview, or keep them around to show their own children.

Here's a Digital Portfolios Best Practices infographic, produced by eLearning Infographics. It will guide your students towards creating and managing great portfolios for success beyond school.

More on Digital Portfolios Best Practices

There are two terrific online tools that we've written about in the past that are perfect for building online portfolios. They are Evernote and LinkedIn. If you'd like to know more on how to use them, visit this article for in-depth instructions.

Digital Portfolios Best Practices Infographic
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