Future Focused Learning Insights

What Does A Teacher’s Brain Look Like?

Written by Lee Crockett | June 16, 2014

"Can you relate to the infographic below featured in this Edudemic article by Katie Lepi? Like students, teachers think differently, and their profession calls for an organization of thought that most people can't imagine accomplishing."

via Edudemic

Have you ever felt that, as a teacher, your brain has special spots reserved for things that most people never even think about? Or maybe you’ve come to wonder how you ended up spending your days in a classroom in the first place? Is your leisure conversation with teacher friends dominated by discussions of students, lessons, and classroom bloopers? The fun graphic below illustrates some of the brain compartments that are unique to teacher’s brains. As we move into summer break for many teachers, do you think that some of these teacher compartments of your brain shrink over the summer to make room for other things, or are you always thinking about school and teaching? Weigh in by leaving a comment below, mentioning @Edudemic on Twitter or leaving your thoughts on our Facebook page.

What Does A Teacher’s Brain Look Like?

  • RTI
  • Summer break
  • Tomorrow’s lessons
  • Pointless acronyms
  • Field trips
  • Report card comments
  • Student nicknames
  • Substitute phone numbers
  • Letters to write
  • Meetings to plan
  • Common core
  • and more!