Future Focused Learning Insights

How Is Technology Powering Classrooms Today? [Infographic]

Written by Lee Crockett | April 16, 2016

At the heart of every modern class is a great teacher with a love for teaching. Today's teachers know how to blend technology with their practices. This makes powering classrooms a joint effort between them and the tech our kids love. Every student walks into class expecting to see and learn from both.

This short infographic from EdTechMag is a glimpse of today's classroom in action. It's one common vision of how the modern classroom looks. What's different from the classrooms of yesteryear? What do you see here that you can find in your own classrooms? What would you like to see more of?

Powering Classrooms in the Digital Age

The technology in our classrooms is meant to enhance the learning process, not take it over. Every teacher who uses technology does so with a balance in mind. Powering classrooms with technology can work well if approached in the right way. It means considering what will supplement learning, as well as what will distract from it.

What tech would make the most sense in your classroom? What are you using now? How is it working for you and your students? Share your experiences with us!


source: edtechmag.com