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The Teacher's Guide for Using Social Media [Infographic]

In the modern digital world, classroom teachers are seeing social media as a growing force for teaching and learning. From class blogs and Facebook pages to students using LInkedIn to create professional online resumes, it's everywhere. Social media has proven itself again and again as a force for good in learning.

Even so, educators continue to ask about the specific educational applications of popular social networking platforms.

So how do you get started with social media in the classroom? What are some of the best ways to make it work for learning? This infographic below can help.

The Teacher's Guide for Using Social Media

Online Colleges has created a simple teacher's guide for using social media below. It provides some specific strategies for applying tools like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube to any classroom. Check out tips for communicating and curating, and celebrating student work. Please enjoy this teacher's guide for using social media and share it with your colleagues—happy learning!

teachers-guide-social-media This infographic was produced by OnlineColleges.net.