Future Focused Learning Insights

A Free STEM Project Journal for Engaging Young Learners

Written by Lee Crockett | February 05, 2018

STEM projects work well when using the Solution Fluency model. From defining the problem to debriefing the solution, it all just works—something that educator Amber Chase knows well. That's why she created a STEM project journal to demonstrate the STEM/Solution Fluency connection.

Amber is the ICT Integrator at Tamworth's Calrossy Anglican School in New South Wales. She designed this STEM project journal to make the STEM planning process fun and simple with Solution Fluency. Here's your chance to get one of your own—you can download it by clicking on the image below.

We're always thrilled to learn about how teachers across the world are using Solution Fluency with their students. What's even more fun is when they adapt it into useful resources of their own like Amber has. Ultimately, what we love is seeing solid connections made to relevant learning. That's exactly what tools like Amber's STEM project journal accomplish for students.

Why a STEM Project Journal?

First, any good learning project can use a plan and that's exactly what this journal provides. Second, the Solution Fluency process exactly mirrors the scientific process. That's why it fits so well into STEM learning and other systems. You can see evidence of this below:

How to Use the STEM Project Journal

You can either print off this free journal or you can edit the PDF right on your computer. Use it for your next big STEM learning adventure.

It follows the entire process of Solution Fluency's 6Ds. First, students define the problem. Then they place all research in the discovery section. Next, they dream about what they want their ideal solution to look like—be sure they dream without limits! After this they design and deliver that solution to see how it works. The final stage is the debrief where they reflect on what worked and what could be improved.

Give it a try. Download this project journal and use it in your next STEM lesson. Many thanks to Amber Chase for her hard work in making this nifty little tool. Happy STEM learning!