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How the Role of Social Media Fits in Job Searching [Infographic]

The number of employers searching social media accounts has increased 500% in the last decade.

Via Rawhide.org

Only decades ago the social media we have now was only an idea. Fast forward to today—now it's a pervasive part of most people's lives. We put everything online, and this is especially true of our students. Most of our kids can't imagine their lives without it. When it comes to job searching in the digital age, social media is a huge part of the process for these same students.

Since social networking is such a powerful medium of communication, it makes sense that our youth should be made aware of the responsibilities that come with it. That's what Paul Malcore from Rawhide.org aims to provide us with in his article accompanying their latest infographic. It's called How Social Media Can Make or Break a Job Search. You and your students can learn about the crucial role social media plays in digital-age job searching.

Eyes Everywhere in Job Searching

Not to sound ominous, but the fact is social media has given us eyes everywhere. This includes not only hopeful employees but also prospective employers.

In his article Paul reminds us what a critical consideration our social media profiles are for potential employability:

"93% of hiring managers review a candidate’s social profile before making a hiring decision. So that 'joke' your teen and their friends find funny might cost your teen employment. Maybe tomorrow, maybe years down the road. However, if social media is used appropriately, teens will have a leg up on the competition."

What Students Can Do: Best Practices for Job Searching

How students present themselves to their friends is one thing. How they appear to a potential employer is something entirely different. So when they are job searching at any point during or beyond their school years, how can students ensure their social media ducks are in a row? Check out these suggestions from us here at the Global Digital Citizen Foundation:

  • Choose online names that are suitable and respectful.
  • Only post information and pictures that are appropriate.
  • Show respect and compassion for others in your online communications.
  • Don't allow any of your friends to post anything abusive or inappropriate on your social networks.

These four practices alone will greatly improve any student's online appearance to a discerning employer. It will make their job searching journey much more successful in the long run.

Enjoy this informative infographic from Rawhide.org!
