"Kids and teenagers are the ones who have the first-hand experience of how everything is changing." Click to tweet
Source: Pumpic.com
No one has their finger on the pulse of change more than the kids of our digital generation. They're whip-smart and tech-savvy individuals. That means they crave excitement and relevance in learning. It can happen for them anytime and anywhere in their busy lives. That's why using the power and convenience of mobile technology to boost education is such a smart move for any educator. So we're sharing an infographic from Pumpic below that shows you how to do it right.
Let's take a look at some of the interesting stats provided in this cool graphic. According to Pumpic's research:
Since 2005, the number of Internet users worldwide has more than tripled. As a result, so much of today's learning is happening online. With newer digital collaboration and flipped learning resources appearing all the time, both learning and instruction continue to transform. Ultimately the best way to boost education with technology is by using it to take advantage of these online resources as much as possible. The services profiled in the infographic make for some terrific suggestions.
Now you can learn the tricks of incorporating everyday mobile technology into classroom instruction. If you've been doing it for some time, kudos to you and your amazing students! If you're just getting started, then this infographic is sure to provide you with some great information and tips. Check out how to use smartphones and tablets to boost education below.
How to Use Smartphones & Tablets to Boost Your Kid’s Education [Infographic] by the team at Pumpic.