Future Focused Learning Insights

Job Hunting in the Digital Age [Infographic]

Written by Lee Crockett | May 12, 2016

Job hunting today is not like it was before the dawn of the Internet. Things have changed dramatically. That's what  Dave Landry Jr. from MBAInSight is here to tell us with this informative infographic. It's called Job Hunting in the Digital Age.

Dave points out in the beginning (correctly) that our Internet use creates a digital footprint. This is something we've discussed in previous posts, and it warrants a refresher. It's one of the most important considerations in regards to our online lives.

If we're students or adults who are job hunting in the Information Age, our footprint matters. It defines us, and can set us apart from other potential candidates. It can be a benefit if we manage it right.

He goes on to share an interesting statistic. 75% of businesses do online research on those who are job hunting with their organization. 70% of those have also rejected hopeful candidates based on their online profiles. You can see how important it is to keep our best foot forward both online and offline.

What Can Help When Job Hunting?

The suggestions that follow in the infographic are practical and sensible. Dave suggests creating a professional profile using LinkedIn. This is where professionals meet and connect. You can also create a video resume for uploading onto YouTube or Vimeo. It's a way to showcase yourself that's more personal than a text-based profile. Creating a good video can get you noticed when job hunting.

You'll find these and many more useful job hunting tips. These include doing employer research using social media, and interview preparation.

Enjoy the infographic, and share with anyone you feel would benefit from the wisdom within. Happy hunting!


source: http://mbainsight.com


About the Author

Dave Landry Jr. is a finance and marketing consultant for small business. He has recently become interested in the digital wallet and cryptocurrency crazes and has been researching them thoroughly.