Future Focused Learning Insights

There Are Hidden Messages in These 40 Famous Logos: How Many Can You Find?

Written by Lee Crockett | November 21, 2014

Via Hubspot

This post originally appeared on The Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to The Agency Post.

You’ve seen the logo thousands of times. It’s there as you drop off a package, it’s the place you get late-night ice cream, it's the network you turn on to watch your favorite Thursday night show.

But do you know what's hidden within those iconic logos you think you are so familiar with?

The infographic below shows 40 brand logos and the little-known messages their creators cleverly hid within the image. See how many you can spot.

This article appeared on Hubspot on November 16 2014 and was written by Jami Oetting. The infographic was produced by Oomph.co.uk.