Future Focused Learning Insights

"Growing Global Digital Citizens" is a Roadmap for Success in Schools

Written by Lee Crockett | July 07, 2017

"Our species needs, and deserves, a citizenry with minds wide awake and a basic understanding of how the world works."

—Carl Sagan

In today's modern digital age, we are connected in ways that were once thought impossible. We now work, play, learn, and live in a global culture—a community of billions in which everyone has a role to play. It's crucial that we impart to our young digital learners the importance of acting as responsible, ethical, and compassionate Global Digital Citizens. The good news is we have a brand new book that can help every educator in the world do exactly that.

Growing Global Digital Citizens: Better Practices That Build Better Learners is a practical guide that explores how to transform education through the concept of Global Digital Citizenship. These practices empower our learners to effectively and ethically participate in and contribute to the digital world around them.

In this book, we provide a clearer path for establishing a GDC program in your school than ever. It gives you all the knowledge and tools you need to help your students become considerate, respectful and responsible global digital citizens.


In Growing Global Digital Citizens, you will:

  • Discover the characteristics of global digital citizens and what these citizens stand for.
  • Consider the limitations of conventional acceptable-use policies and instead embrace ethically driven digital citizenship agreements.
  • Learn how to address the various stakeholder communities involved in developing students into global digital citizens.
  • Use tools and rubrics for gauging the effectiveness and progress of your global digital citizenship practices.
  • Complete global digital citizenship assessment frameworks.
  • Review digital citizenship agreements for students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, as well as for professionals and the wider community.

Get your copy of Growing Global Digital Citizens today, only from Wabisabi Learning.