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The GDCF Comedy Break: How to Ruin Your Productivity [Infographic]

"From constantly being interrupted and switching tasks at random, to creating an impossibly long to-do list and cluttering your desk, here are seven steps to ensure that you are decreasing productivity ... "

via Marketo

Productivity is a big focus in the classrooms and workforces of the world. Living in what some call the "age of distraction" has certainly taken its toll on some peoples' effectiveness. As such, the push to whittle our to-do lists and concentrate on what matters is on the mind of everyone seeking to get the most out of a day. Thus, this infographic from Marketo shared by Jason Miller in this article serves as a cautionary tale of what not to do to make that happen.

This one is called Killing Time: How to Destroy Your Productivity, and features 7 surefire ways to keep your daily efficiency to a bare minimum. The message is clear: do the opposite of everything on this infographic, and you'll be just fine.

Click for a full-size version
