Future Focused Learning Insights

GDCF Case Studies Help Share Inspiration in Education

Written by Lee Crockett | July 12, 2016

The Global Digital Citizen Foundation works with a lot of educators in a lot of different countries. Teachers are passionate about making as positive an impact as possible on their students' futures. The work we've seen has been remarkable. So to celebrate their efforts, we've created the GDCF case studies to share what teachers and students are accomplishing with the Essential Fluencies.

We invite you to preview our ever-growing case studies series below. Become motivated by the great Fluencies projects students are bringing to life in these featured schools. Each one of the GDCF case studies is free to download.

Sharing Great Moments in Learning

These GDCF case studies are stories of success and of real holistic student growth. They are about how we work together in innovative class environments to create truly transformative learning. So go ahead—get inspired.

Youngtown Primary School

When Youngtown Primary School decided to transform learning, they called on the Global Digital Citizen Foundation to guide them. Read about how they used the Essential Fluencies to supercharge their mission of engaging kids to be lifelong learners.

Read More About Youngtown Primary School

Santa Cruz Cooperative School

Getulio Brasil of the Santa Cruz Cooperative School in Bolivia recently began working with the Essential Fluencies. His background in science let him approach the Fluencies as an experiment, and a successful one. Read about Getulio’s exemplary work in this study.

Read More About Santa Cruz Cooperative School

Father Michael McGivney Academy

Alexandra Parlagreco and Cynthia Anniballi used Solution Fluency to teach students about narrative empathy. This study explores how using Solution Fluency led to meaningful projects that were relevant to the students' own interests and experiences.

Read More About Father Michael McGivney

Melrose High School (1)

For Stephannie Dormer of Melrose High School in Canberra, adopting any new approach to teaching is all about students becoming exceptional. This study explores how working with the Fluencies helped her bring out the best in all her students.

Read More About Melrose High Study 1

Melrose High School (2)

Anna Russell, a Visual Arts teacher at Canberra’s Melrose High School, knows about creativity and possibility. Using Solution Fluency let her students shine in ways they never thought they could. Read more about their insightful work in this study.

Read More About Melrose High Study 2

Newport Gardens Primary School (1)

Heidi James and Ellie Barclay challenged their students at Newport Gardens Primary School to clean up our world beginning with cleaning up their school. What their students accomplished using the Fluencies as their guiding framework is absolutely inspiring.

Read More About Newport Gardens Study 1

Newport Gardens Primary School (2)

Ellie Barclay is very proud of the Newport Gardens Junior Learning Community. Taking school-wide action to raise awareness about endangered animals culminated in their one-of-a-kind celebration of our planet’s diverse animal kingdom.

Read More About Newport Gardens Study 2

Newport Gardens Primary School (3)

Theodora McGlade challenged her own Newport Gardens students to use the Essential Fluencies in promoting a health and fitness lifestyle to their school and community. Her students responded with passion and purpose, and made a positive difference.

Read More About Newport Gardens Study 3

What Are YOUR Stories?

These GDCF case studies are just a few examples of the countless incredible things happening in our global schools. We want to hear about yours. Tell us all about your teachable moments, your great discoveries, and the accomplishments of your digital students in the comments below!