Einstein’s famous formula changed the world. We believe the following equation will change education:
FL + PBL = GL (Flipped Learning + Project Based Learning = Great Learning)
In a nutshell, lectures are done at home and projects are done in the classroom, though there is much more to it.
By definition, project-based learning involves the real-world problem that you are trying to solve. This is your hands-on learning piece that involves critical thinking and collaboration.
The flipped learning portion is the method that you choose to disseminate information pertinent to your goal in the PBL.
What we’ll need to do is imagine different forms that the flipped learning portion will take and how it can enhance PBL.
Here are some points to remember from Andrew Miller:
At Khan Academy, a main hub for curated flipped videos, its founder Sal Khan says this about “Liberating the Classroom for Creativity”:
“For me... the deepest learning happens with project-based learning. But the projects can only be useful if people go into [them] with the core toolkit...so they can understand what's actually going on in an analytical way. So every student working at their own pace - it doesn't matter what grade they are, what age they are...some can work on things that are below grade level; some can work on things that are above grade level. But what [Khan Academy] does is...allows every student to make sure that they have at least the core basics down and gives data to the teacher on where there is need.”
And that is the key: “Where there is need” is a mandate for differentiation of which flipped learning can be a solution.
If you can harness the best of both worlds—the capacity for differentiation and accessibility of flipped learning with the student-focused real-world aspects of PBL—then you can have a unique combination that is unstoppable within your classroom.
Do you have experience with combining flipped learning and project based learning? Do share!