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How to Design Classrooms Effectively for Digital Learners

Here's an interesting question: how much of a difference does it make to learning when we choose to design classrooms effectively? What effect does it have on what gets accomplished in the space itself? A lot, as it turns out.

The fact is classrooms with attention placed on colour and comfort can have a positive impact on learning and engagement. Studies by organizations like 360 Steelcase, Salford University, and Herman Miller confirm this. All in all, the choice to design classrooms effectively matters to our students' performance. However, what does this effective design actually look like?

What We Need to Design Classrooms Effectively

Surprisingly, it's only recently that modern schools and districts have taken a good long look at how to design classrooms effectively for their learners' needs. With that initiative have evolved solid ideas for the most crucial elements needed to achieve this. According to Envision, there are 6 key components to any well-designed classroom:

  1. Flexibility of furniture and space
  2. Areas for collaborative learning and independent study
  3. Facilitation of movement
  4. Fostering of inspiration and creativity
  5. Technology
  6. Light and bright colors

This infographic on how to design classrooms effectively was created by USC Rossier Online. They've taken care to provide some useful ideas for making any classroom more interesting and engaging design-wise. These are very practical and accessible classroom design tips for breathing new life into any space. You'll also discover why it's important, so read on for more.

This infographic was originally posted on USC Rossier Online in an article by Michelle Manno. View the full-size version here

Additional Reading