Learning is a very personal experience, and it should be. It follows then that personalizing learning is all about tailoring task and instruction to the range of interests and learning styles that characterise today’s modern learners, and doing so in creative and engaging ways. Unfortunately, when it comes to actually defining personalized learning, the discussion becomes more complicated. Many educators have different ideas about what it actually means.
Laura Ascione from eSchool News cites a study from Education Elements that succeeds in defining personalized learning in clear plain language. Communicating Personalized Learning to Families and Stakeholders: Terminology, Tools and Tips for Success provides a guide to having meaningful and constructive conversations around adopting personalized learning as a classroom practice. It’s purpose is to avoid confusion and misunderstanding while working toward whole-school inclusion.
“Personalized learning is a pretty well-known term,” Laura states. “But educators have different definitions for personalized learning, making for a sometimes-confusing approach to its implementation.” As we see it, here are the main qualities that succeed in defining personalized learning:
Personalized instruction is a versatile approach to learning in which our responses to learner variance can take many forms. It isn’t necessary to tailor every single progression or activity of the learning challenge to each individual learner, either. You can personalize the task, learning process, research, assessment, evidence of learning created, the learner’s collaborative role, or any combination of these.
The following guidelines appear in the Education Elements study as the methods for defining personalized learning for admins, teachers, parents, and students. They can help lead the conversations you have about personalized learning in your own schools.
Personalized learning is also one of the 10 shifts of practice we discuss in our latest book Future-Focused Learning. If you want to begin getting your feet wet with personalized learning, this is the resource that helps you do it right.
We begin by discussing what personalized learning means for your students and your practice. Next, we provide you with activities or “microshifts” that help you adopt personalized learning and 9 other innovative practices easily and safely. As you gain more and more success with it, you move to other activities and eventually other shifts. That’s how real transformation happens in learning, and in your classroom.
You can start making your own shift to personalized learning today, and we’re here to help. Check out Future-Focused Learning: Ten Essential Shifts of Everyday Practice now on Amazon.