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An Illustrated Poster for People Who Love Their Work

Aside from being a real tongue-twister for non-Scandinavians, ‘Arbejdsglæde’ is a wonderful word that literally means ‘work-love’ or more literally ‘work-glad’. Sadly, there is no direct translation for this word in the English language.

Here at Maptia, we loved the concept behind this word so much, that we decided to ask people to help us crowdsource an alternative translation and created an illustrated ‘Translating Arbejisglæde’ poster to share the results. Huge thanks to Ella Frances Sanders for transforming our poster into this colourful illustration.

Over 200 people shared three words that described how they felt on a Monday morning. The size of the words on our poster below represents how many people felt each emotion and what they do for a living.

Via Daily Good

This poster/article was created by Maptia and appeared on Daily Good July 13 2014.