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A Powerful Set Of Classroom iPad Rules For Teachers

via Edudemic

If you’re rolling out iPads in the classroom, you need to lay down the law. As a connected educator, you need to come up with a set of guidelines, classroom iPad rules, as well as a way to manage all your new devices. Please please please don’t just hand out iPads like they’re candy and expect everything to go wonderfully with zero planning. You’re doomed to fail. Probably not as badly as the classrooms dealing with the first Amplify tablet, but you’ll still run into some real problems.

Would you run a classroom without any rules? What about your home? It’d be like Thunderdome.

Instead, start thinking about the rules you want to have in place prior to iPad (and any other device) launch. I came across this wonderful little list on Pinterest and thought it’d be a great way to getting you to start thinking about the rules you need to have in place prior to launching a BYOD, 1:1, or a single iPad classroom.

The Classroom iPad Rules

The list is simple and to the point. I’d recommend building your own list and using this one as an outline. Since all classrooms are different, don’t be afraid to customize a set of iPad rules that are perfect for you.

  1. iPads stay in the classroom (you may want to send them home for assignments, so this will vary)
  2. No use in brunch or lunch or in the dismissal (great idea, avoids getting the iPads too damaged or covered in food)
  3. Do not take your iPad out of your bag unless asked (this is a good one!)
  4. No games, chatting, or unauthorized apps (unless specifically asked to use one of these by the teacher)
  5. Share with people who do not have an iPad (really like this one – but it’ll vary based on your setup)
  6. Put work into your own words – do not copy and paste (a great reminder)
  7. Follow teacher instructions (this is probably the most important, no? I’d put it first and last!)
  8. Be responsible and make smart learning choices (this should go for everything in the classroom, of course)