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A List of Survival Tips for Students Beginning High School

Beginning high school is a big deal for students. It's exciting, confusing, scary, exhilarating, and a thousand other emotions all at once. Add to that the physical, psychological, and social changes a student can experience during that time, and you've got a situation where the transitioning student needs all the support they can get.

That's the focus of the article Top tips for Year 7 students starting high school by Clare Ravasini. She talks about the importance of students having that emotional safety net as they begin the inevitable journey into high school:

"The move from primary to high school can be a time of excitement and new experiences. It can also be challenging or worrying for some students. Helping your child prepare for high school and making them feel supported will reduce the risk of disengagement from school in the future."

Top Tips for Students Beginning High School

A summary of some of Clare's tips for students beginning high school is below. This is practical advice on what students can expect will be different and what they should be prepared for going into high school.

  • Building new friendships: Students will be meeting many new people, forging new connections, and establishing a place within a peer group. The students they meet also have the potential to become a much greater influence in their lives.
  • Doing schoolwork: Workloads, schedules, and instructional methods will all be somewhat different. Students will have to adapt to an increase in the intensity and frequency of homework assignments in a range of new subjects.
  • More personal responsibility: Throughout high school, they will be gaining a higher sense of independence by learning to be more accountable for their own belongings and schedules.
  • Orientation: A new environment means new ways of getting around and building personal schedules based on this. Having an awareness of how to successfully navigate the layout of the school and manage their time will contribute greatly to a student's success and peace of mind while attending high school.

Clare goes on to discuss what parents can expect their own roles to be, and how they can ensure they are just as prepared for the experience of having a son or daughter in a new high school. She also talks about some of the signs that may indicate a student is not adjusting well to the experience of high school, and what teachers and parents can do to help.