Future Focused Learning Insights

28 Life Skills That Define Student Readiness [Infographic]

Written by Lee Crockett | June 03, 2018

The primary focus of modern education is and always has been ensuring student readiness. This is a readiness, of course, for the best life we can have after school. For most, this means either graduating into post-secondary education or into promising careers.

We spend years in our desks and labs and study halls, preparing for success in the world outside the school walls. As such, it becomes a process of gradual skill building and mastery of abilities that will hopefully ensure we survive and thrive.

What are the skills that define student readiness for taking on college or careers? This infographic from Apex Learning features a list of 28 of them. From the infographic description:

"Across the country, schools and districts define their success, in part, by equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in higher education, on the job and in life. But what does a college and career ready student look like? It’s often what you can’t immediately see that shows a student is prepared for future learning and ready to meet 21st century workforce demands."

The student readiness skills that make up this infographic include:

  1. Critical Thinking
  2. Communication
  3. Growth Mindset
  4. Self-Directed
  5. Social & Emotional Skills
  6. Self-Awareness
  7. Relationship Skills
  8. Responsible Decision-Making
  9. Social-Awareness & Perspective-Taking
  10. Self-Management
  11. Problem-Solving
  12. Reflective
  13. Flexible & Adaptable
  14. Active Learner
  15. Nimble
  16. Resourceful
  17. Project & Task Management
  18. Articulate Strengths & Areas of Need
  19. Life Management
  20. Curious & Inquisitive
  21. Digital Citizens
  22. Innovative & Entrepreneurial
  23. Passionate & Positive
  24. Embrace Failure
  25. Analytical & Evaluative
  26. Grit & Perseverance
  27. Logic & Reasoning
  28. Cross-Cultural Communication