Future Focused Learning Insights

The GDCF Comedy Break Episode 5: 12 Records in One Lunch Hour! [Infographic]

Written by Lee Crockett | December 02, 2016

How do you like to spend your lunch hour? Eating outside in the sun? Grabbing a bite with friends? How about crushing a few world records like a boss? We thought so.

Any time of day is a great time to take a minute or two for physically and mentally challenging yourself. This infographic from Chair Office gives you a choice of 12 different world records you can break over your lunch hour.

  • How fast can you type the alphabet? Get a bet going with your colleagues and see who can break the record of 3.43 seconds first.
  • Like pizza? Smash one down in under 40 seconds (and keep the Pepto Bismol handy).
  • How many grapes can you stuff in your mouth? You never know until you try to beat the record of 202.
  • Got spoons lying around? Balance more than 17 on your face and you've beaten this most illustrious of world records.

They're all here plus many more. Enjoy achieving all new personal bests by trying to beat any (or all) of these 12 world records you can break over lunch.

This infographic was produced by Chair Office.