Future Focused Learning Insights

8 Sensational STEM Teaching Resources from EducatorLabs

Written by Lee Crockett | September 16, 2021

Every now and then, we get an unexpected surprise from someone as interested in supporting teachers and students as we are. This usually means someone has gone out of their way to research and produce a valuable list of incredible online resources for use in education, and done a great job of doing so.

I'm happy to say it's happened yet again. We recently received a list of STEM teaching resources (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) from Jasmine Dyoco at EducatorLabs.

If you're a teacher and you haven't yet checked out this fine organization, please do so. They are one of the many collaborative groups who are working tirelessly to produce caches of freebies and other information to help educators with their work. They offer lesson plans, a very diverse Resource Bank to explore, and so much more.

The 10 Best STEM Resources

Calculators for Kids: Making STEM More Accessible

STEM Resources from STEMCollaborative.org

NSTA: Freebies for Science Teachers

Science Fair Project Ideas, Answers & Tools

The Science of Addiction: K-12 Integrated Prevention Curriculum

Medical Animation Library

Explore the Human Heart: Games, Lesson Plans and Print Outs

Bonus Resource: Master's in Data Science

This is a website that lists schools with graduate programs in data science, prep resources, a blog, and more.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in 2016 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Originally published Jul 23, 2016, updated September 17, 2021